The Center for World Indigenous Studies is coordinating, planning and organizing support for tribal and urban Indian communities that now face the wave of coronavirus infections across the United States. CWIS is taking action to prevent and reduce the dangerous effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indian Country. CWIS is working with a task force of experts to gather information (research), develop policy analysis and provide recommendations for a program of action congruent with the specific needs of diverse communities.
As of 18 October 2020, Mexico’s health agencies had documented just over 86,100 fatalities directly tied to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mexico therefore has the world’s fourth highest number of deaths, below India (114,031), Brazil (153,675), and the United States (219,286). In terms of the number of deaths per million population, Mexico is virtually the same as the United States, at 1,502 and 1,505, respectively.
The CWIS Global Fourth World COVID-19 Risk Assessment is an extension of the initial assessment in the United States tribal communities expanded into the world at large, where there are 5,000 indigenous nations with a combined population of 1.9 billion people in 206 internationally recognized countries. The COVID-19 Risk Assessment Team is taking on an ambitious and complex study. We are conducting research in states with different policies toward indigenous people 1 , different political systems and government structures, and in particular varying health systems, capacities and competence as relates to public health and in particular conducting a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Populations may vary from just a few families to many thousands of people.
Map updated to Oct 27, 2020
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