
1st International Pharmacoeconomic Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease: Report and Summary

File details

Name: 000DP10005.PDF
Title: 1st International Pharmacoeconomic Conference on Alzheimer's Disease: Report and Summary
Author: Peter J Whitehouse, Bengt Winblad, Daniel Shostak, Ashoke Bhattacharjya, Meryl Brod, Henry Brodaty, Avi Dor, Howard Feldman, Francoise Forette, Serge Gauthier, Joel Hay, Suzanne Hill, Vera Mastey, Peter Neumann, Bernie O'Brien, Klaus Pugner, Mary Sano, Tohru Sawada, Robyn Stone, Anders Wimo
Publish Year: 1998
Publish Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
File uploaded by: AngelSupport


The 1st International Pharmacoeconomic Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) was held in Amsterdam in July 1998. The meeting was held under the auspices of the International Working Group for Harmonization of Dementia Drug Guidelines (, bringing together academics, clinicians, purchasers and representatives from industry. Presentations were given on the methodology of pharmacoeconomic studies in AD, particularly focussing on
caregiver burden, QOL and resource utilization.