
Preventing and Treating Diabetes Type 2, Naturally

Your Comprehensive Guide to Food, Herbs, Supplements, Recipes, Energy Medicine, Massage and Exercise
By: Leslie E. Korn, Rudolph C. Rÿser

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About this publication

“Diabetes Type 2 is a modern disease and a disease of modern ways of living”

In Preventing and Treating Diabetes Naturally, Dr. Korn and Dr. Rÿser present state-of-the-art, integrative approaches to restoring health.

Learn simple to use, daily strategies to address diabetes and its symptoms, such as neuropathy, cardiovascular disease, stress, trauma, pain and depression with

  • Whole Foods Nutrition
  • Herbal Medicine
  • Bodywork and Energy Medicine
  • Relaxation
  • Physical Exercise
  • Detoxification

By restoring natural ways of living, reducing stress, eating whole foods that are right for your body type, using specific vitamins and minerals and herbs, and getting plenty of exercise and sleep, reversing Diabetes type 2 is possible and managements is certainly successful.

You need not have diabetes to benefit from the ideas and recipes in this book.

This book will help you to prevent diabetes and also keep you healthy and happy.

Keyword Diabetes, Naturally, Food, Herbs, Supplements, Recipes, Medicine, Massage, Exercise
Released 2018
Language English
Pages 252
Publisher Daykeeper Press
Versions iBook

About the Author

Rudolph C. Rÿser

Rudolph C. Rÿser, Ph.D.

Rudolph Ryser is the Chair and faculty at the Center for World Indigenous Studies. Rudolph has for more than 40-years worked in the field of Indian Affairs as a writer and researcher and as Indian rights advocate. Rudolph is also a traditional foods chef and has taught widely on Historical Trauma, cultural models of addictions recovery, Diabetes and Culture, Foods and Medicine. He has developed and conducted workshops and seminars  internationally on health, community organization, self-government, and natural resource management.

Leslie E. Korn

Leslie E. Korn, Ph.D., MPH, LMHC

Leslie Korn’s work has focused for over 40 years on the practical application of Traditional Medicine (and Integrative Medicine) in the context of global public health. She consults internationally clinical treatment on program design and development, indigenous participatory research methods and project evaluation with an indigenous and feminist lens.

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