
Account of Atrocities, Looting, Arsoning, Arrests, Murder and Rape Committed on the Jumma People of Chittagong Hill Tracts by Bangladesh Army, Paramilitary Forces and Bengali Muslim Infiltrators

File details

Name: 280dp11356.pdf
Title: Account of Atrocities, Looting, Arsoning, Arrests, Murder and Rape Committed on the Jumma People of Chittagong Hill Tracts by Bangladesh Army, Paramilitary Forces and Bengali Muslim Infiltrators
Author: Unknown
Publish Year: 1990
Publish Location:
File uploaded by: AngelSupport


A paper sent by the Hana Samhati Samiti in 1990 discussing the mistreatment of the Jumma people in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. It consists of a list of specific events that were committed by the Bangladesh Army and other allied forces of the government.