
UN Regional Consultation on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Asia

File details

Name: 2020-regional-consultation-on-rights-of-indigenous-peoples-in-Asia.pdf
Title: 2020 regional consultation on rights of indigenous peoples in Asia.pdf
Author: Victoria Tauli-Corpuz
Language: English
Publish Year: 2020
Publish Location:
File uploaded by: Adam Hinden


Report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples in Asia from November 13-15 2019. The report is based on a consultation in Bangkok attended by more than 100 representatives of indigenous peoples from 12 Asian countries. The consultation focused on self-determination, governance and justice systems; lands, territories and resources; conservation; climate change; business and human rights; human rights defenders; and the Sustainable Development Goals. The impact of climate change on the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights was emphasized, as was the critical role played by indigenous peoples in protecting the environment, including through traditional knowledge.