For over 35 years you have supported our pro bono work providing low-cost natural medicine health care and medical massage for indigenous peoples with diabetes and pain, with a regional focus on the Pacific Northwest and Cabo Corrientes, Mexico.
We provide nutrition, high-quality nutritional supplements and herbal medicines. Join our cause!
What can you do?
- Make a donation! $100 will buy two medical massages and three months of B-Complex Vitamins and Minerals to lower Blood Glucose.
- Buy one of our courses! 100% of proceeds go to this Project.
- Buy our latest books. Buy one for yourself, and for a friend!
- Purchase high quality nutrients through Dr. Korn’s Natural medicine pharmacy and you’ll receive a discount for yourself and all profits support Nutrients for Natives.
- Volunteer. We can always join forces for this common goal. Whether you want to volunteer with your knowledge, your time, or your ideas; we will be glad to hear from you! Contact us.
How your Donations have helped so far?
- Delivery of twenty-two, 3-day Culture, Foods and Medicines seminars at tribal and First Nations communities throughout the US and Canada and Mexico including the provision of free vitamin, mineral and herbal preparations for elders with diabetes.
- Delivery of year-long herbal medicine training program for Muckleshoot and Tulalip tribal communities.
- Delivery of hundreds of free books including Preventing and Treating Diabetes Naturally, the Native Way.