An article from The Atlantic regarding the clergymen of Latin America who have defied persecution of the wealthy landowners and execises the politics of liberation. It talks about the history…
learn more downloadA map showing the Indian tribes of South America.
learn more downloadAn article in the Saturday Review discussing the Caribbean Contingency Joint Task Force that is trying to controls riots and violence that the U.S. Government is currently ignoring. This article…
learn more downloadAn informational booklet discussing the Central American War. Includes issues such as target: Nicaragua, deep-seated conflicts, trends in U.S. assistance, military training, El Salvador’s army goes to school-in the U.S.A.,…
learn more downloadAn article in the Congressional Record-Senate discussing the problems of refugees in Central America. Article includes summary of findings and recommendations with general and specific recommendations. Specific recommendations directed to…
learn more downloadAn article from the Wall Street Journal regarding reacism toward the Miskitos in Central America. Article also includes subjects such as demeaning ‘recognition,’ vast differences, few physical distinctions, political changes,…
learn more downloadA special report in the U.S. News and World Report concerning the Marxist violence that in endangering vital American interests close to home. Includes issues such as danger for U.S.,…
learn more downloadPresentacion, estatutos-capitulo 1: denominacion-objectivos, capitulo 2: De sus miembros, derechos y deberes de los pueblos miembros, de las sanciones, capitulo 3: de las organizaciones, la asamblea general, capitulo 4: de…
learn more downloadContexto social general, el consejo regional de pueblos indigenas, antecendentes de la organizacion indigena, objectivos de la organizacion indigena, realizaciones del consejo regional de pueblos indigenas, perspctivas.
learn more downloadTenencia y explotacion de las tierra comunales, explotacion de los recursos naturales, alternativas ante la represion, alternativas para defender y sesarrollar nuestras culturas indigenas, aporte de los indigenas en el…
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