Discussion paper regarding biodiversity issues such as the next global resource, the discovery of biodiversity, the value of biodiversity is its location, biodiversity and self-determination, a tale of two conventions,…
learn more downloadNIH Dementia Proposal for a grant.
learn more downloadTriangulation in Research describes the what’s and why’s of triangulation. They go into case study research design methods and new methods for qualitative data collection and analysis.
learn more downloadThe meanings of methodology within the qualitative and quantitative approaches of social research methods. The three approaches are positivist social science, interpretive social science, and critical social science.
learn more downloadLetter, flyer and questionaire regarding information about schools and programs in the Oryx Press Directory of Schools for Alternative and Complementary Health Care. Flyer regarding a seminar about healing the…
learn more downloadSlide show requests made by organizations such as Lummi Communications Dept., Marysville-Pilchuck High School, Marietta Band of Nooksack, Tulalip Indian Tribe. Includes receipts for requests.
learn more downloadDocument includes discussions over issues such as tribal life and government-the law of nature, original power and the foundations of government, government and the people, question of loyalty, our own…
learn more downloadTreaty signed by the Quinault, the United States at Olympia and the United States at Washigton D.C. Includes articles of agreement between the Quinault tribe and the United States of…
learn more downloadDocument covering issues such as government and tribal life, providing for the common welfare, Quinault Constitution, Quinault River Treaty. Includes appendix A which covers the Constitution of the Quinault Indian…
learn more downloadDocument covering issues such as the law of nature, original power and the foundations of government, government and the people, question of loyalty, and our own land.
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