Oct 2001 Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual by Job
learn more downloadvarious articles published in the Seattle PI and the Seattle TImes during 1980
learn more downloadAn invitation to nominate a candidate for the 2006 Reebok Human Rights Award along with criteria and instructions.
learn more downloadInterview with Rudolph Rÿser regarding his Preliminary Findings of the Self-Government Process, government-to-government negotiations, success of self-governance regarding tribes, about Rudy’s final report on the topic.
learn more downloadArticle discussing the life and work of Rudolph Rÿser. Includes his current and previous jobs/careers, his experience and current projects in planning and development stages. Also includes a photo.
learn more downloadCopyrighting Registration and Precedure Packets and example forms.
learn more downloadQuinault Indian Nation Title 40, Business License Ordinance (Billing for Business Taxes), Correspondence with Dept. of Revenue, Quinault Indian Nation Application for business License
learn more downloadThe 1st International Pharmacoeconomic Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) was held in Amsterdam in July 1998. The meeting was held under the auspices of the International Working Group for Harmonization…
learn more downloadIn its first session the Human Rights Council adopted the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, with 30 voting in favour and 2 against (Canada – which had…
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