Responding to the scientific evidence that the level of fish consumption by Indian tribes is unhealthy under existing water pollution standards, the state of Oregon this summer took dramatic steps…
read moreWith electoral victories in the aftermath of the Sri Lanka civil war, the militarily defeated Tamils reject assimilation, and demand autonomy for their regions.
read moreAugust National Geographic looks at the Great Bear Rainforest and Canada’s bid to become a global player in the petroleum market. With Alberta’s oil sands second only to the oil…
read moreWhen California’s former governor Schwarzenegger said Indian tribes are ripping us off, I doubt his purpose was to incite violence against American Indians, but bolstering bigotry nevertheless plays into vigilante…
read moreFirst Nations Languages Conference honors contributions to endangered languages in British Columbia, which hosts 60% of the indigenous languages in Canada.
read moreSystems of tenure differ vastly between colonial states and indigenous nations. In Indonesia, colonial systems of tenure perpetuated by the successor state continue to plague indigenous peoples throughout the vast…
read moreWith the joint announcement last month by the Assembly of First Nations and the National Congress of American Indians to support each other in gaining control of indigenous lands and…
read moreAs Americans return from fossil fueled adventures on the highways and skyways of summer vacation, indigenous communities on the fossil frontier disintegrate in a cloud of toxic waste. Already living…
read moreThe Dominion joins Athabasca Cree on a walk through the Tar Sands wasteland, where the devastation of colonization today extends beyond the horizon.
read morePrivatization, first and foremost, is a totalitarian objective. The goal of eradicating the public interest depends on this misanthropic philosophy. Subjugating public institutions to market tyranny, however, involves more than…
read moreThe library is dedicated to the memory of Secwepemc Chief George Manuel (1921-1989), to the nations of the Fourth World and to the elders and generations to come.
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