A report on the counter Terrorist aid in Central America most noteably Guatemala. and the civil right abuses coresponding.
learn more downloadReports on Nicaragua and Central America.
learn more downloadA report on Guatemalan Indians and the genocide convention.
learn more downloadA Report to congress on the article by Rev. James G. Callaway Jr. on international relations between 1st, 2nd and 3rd world countries.
learn more downloadA report of passing bill S.1106 in reference to the Chippewa tribe.
learn more downloada report on the difference between The Soviet Union and The United States in Afghanistan and Grenada.
learn more downloadA report to congress of the efforts and affects of Amnesty International, Helsinki Watch and Americas Watch in Turkey, Cuba, Pakistan and the Soviet Union.
learn more downloadA Transcription between Mr. Broomsfield Mr. Lagomarsino, Mr. Hyde, Mr. Gephardt and Mr. Solarz. Concerning the former support of the Nicaraguan Government and the Contras.
learn more downloadA report to the house on the Guatemalan government, and the pervasive civil rights abuses that it is perpetrating
learn more downloadConcerning the support of the guatemalan government and the civil rights abuses from the military.
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