
Review of Developments Pertaining to the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous Populations

September 21, 2017

Coca: an Andean Cultural Tradition. Background on the coca plant, tradition of the Andeans dealing with the coca plant, the virtues of coca, confusion between coca and drugs, against eradication…

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Statement of the Nuxalk Nation before the United Nations Working Froup on Indigenous Populations

September 21, 2017

Description of the Nuxalk Nation. Standards for defining groups as indigenous populations. International standards for indigenous land rights.

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World Council of Indigenous Peoples Second General Assembly: Declaration on Human Rights

September 21, 2017

The Indigenous Delegates response to the declaration regarding human rights for its people. The WCIP asks for more support from other indigenous people and the United Nations. The Indigenous Delegates…

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Lakota: A Sovereign Nation Re-established at Bear Butte

September 21, 2017

Comments about the incompetentcy and ineffectiveness of a democratic government. The United States Government fails to support the “sioux” Lakota Nation because it was not designed by the Lakota people…

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Annex V: Declaration of Principles adopted by the Indigenous Peoples

September 21, 2017

A list of rights and principles of the Indigenous People. Indigenous nations and peoples have, in common with all humanity, the right to life, and to freedom from oppression, discrimination…

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Intervention to the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations on behalf of Hui Na’auao

September 21, 2017

Promting of the awareness of na Hawai’i sorvereignty and self-dtermination. Discussion over the 100th year since the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy by the United States.

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Review of Developments Pretaining to the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous Populations

September 21, 2017

The Tremembe Mission, the geographical and demographic background. The “aldeamento” (Indian Settlement) and the collective memory and cultural tradition. Resistance and teh fight for the land.

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Tribal Populations and International Banking Practices: A Fundamental Conflict Over Development Goals

September 21, 2017

The Borucas, Costa Rica and Boruca Dam. The Kalinga, Bontac, Phillipines and the Chico Dam. A change in multilateral development bank strategies: the conflict between concepts of development

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Review of Developments pertaining to the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous Populations, including Economic and Social Relations between Indigenous Peoples and States

September 21, 2017

Thailand: Hill-tribe welfare and development. Government policies and measures to assist the hillt-tribes. Results of hill-tribe welfare and development policies.

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Statement Prepared by Eloi Machoro of New Caledonia for Presentation at the Third General Assembly of the WCIP

September 21, 2017

Geographical backgroud and a brief history of the Kanak people. Political status of the territory. The current political situation and conclusion

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Chief George Manuel Memorial Indigenous Library

The library is dedicated to the memory of Secwepemc Chief George Manuel (1921-1989), to the nations of the Fourth World and to the elders and generations to come.

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