
Fool’s Mission

Published: January 14, 2009, Author: JayTaber

The key to perpetuating pyramid schemes is keeping dissenting voices out. Those who question the framework of the plan itself cannot be allowed to warn the gullible.

Pulling off such a heist in publicly-traded securities and other investments requires, among other things, convincing media moguls that what once was widely-recognized as criminal, is now exemplary conduct. With media complicity, cons can become visionaries, frauds philanthropists.

Wrecking communities, destroying economies, and ruining lives, however, is still relatively minor to the planetary suicide proposed through carbon market trading. That is a pyramid scheme of unrivaled stature.

Exposing the scheme, though, is a difficult task. Questioning market theology is not allowed under the state and market regime; neither the US, the UN or CNN will willingly entertain such heresy.

Arguably the most censored story of 2008, was the challenge to the UN by the World Indigenous Peoples’ Forum on Climate Change — one of the most profound challenges in recorded history — blacked out by world media. Keeping indigenous peoples invisible — perhaps corporate media’s greatest challenge to date — is a fool’s mission, but that never prevents them from trying.

Chief George Manuel Memorial Indigenous Library

The library is dedicated to the memory of Secwepemc Chief George Manuel (1921-1989), to the nations of the Fourth World and to the elders and generations to come.

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