
Abiding in the World

Published: September 16, 2012, Author: JayTaber

I would like to draw readers attention to two Indigenous blogs: First Peoples, a blog about new directions in Indigenous studies, and Turtle Talk, a blog about Indigenous law and policy in the United States.

As Daniel Heath Justice noted in First Peoples blog, Indigenous literary expression contributes to the diversity of perspective, lending a particular beauty to the experiences and understandings of community. By showing the full, rich depths of Indigenous humanity and spirit, Indigenous literature bolsters the empowerment of Indigenous peoples and beckons the empathy of all humans to create a groundswell of support for social justice initiatives.

As a legacy of Indigenous traditions, literature — like oral traditions — preserves and expands understanding for those who come after. By providing this continuity of presence and memory, literature becomes an act of participating in the process of recovery and re-creation. In that re-creation lies the possibility of imagining different ways of abiding in the world.

In seeking social justice, both literature and law can be transformative for all humanity. By opening hearts and minds, the stories and narratives embedded in literature and law extend humanity to others, and make possible better relationships based on love, courage and good sense.

Whichever path appeals most, together they lead to a new way of living together–something that is long overdue.

Chief George Manuel Memorial Indigenous Library

The library is dedicated to the memory of Secwepemc Chief George Manuel (1921-1989), to the nations of the Fourth World and to the elders and generations to come.

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