
Fantasy of the Fatherland

May 7, 2012

Someone famous once remarked that fascism would come to America with someone waving an American flag. At the time, I doubt the person making this noteworthy comment envisioned the flag-waver…

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Cultural Conflict

May 6, 2012

As illustrated by this Indian Country Today article about the Winnemem Wintu, the war between the United States of America and the Indigenous nations that underlay its boundaries is ongoing….

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Learning Peacefulness

May 4, 2012

In December 2005, Public Good Project — an organization for which I’ve served as administrative director since 1994 — co-sponsored On the Border, a national human rights conference to explore…

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Heart of Africa

May 3, 2012

Indigenous peoples in Africa face many obstacles to living a free and independent life: Chinese, European and American corporations, AFRICOM, Christian evangelicals and Islamic fundamentalists to name a few. Awash…

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Ogoni Autonomy

May 3, 2012

In a remembrance of Ogoni murdered during the 1967-1970 Nigerian civil war, MOSOP president Dr. Goodluck Diigbo announced the Ogoni people — whose sovereign independence was violated by the British…

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Applied Research

May 1, 2012

One thing college students can do is social research, and if applied intelligently, that research can be an eye opener. Students at the University of Minnesota have done just that….

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Clarion Call

April 30, 2012

On Indian Country Today, Steven Newcomb examines the history of terrorism as a method employed by empires and states against Indigenous nations and peoples. As the foremost tool for enlarging…

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Opportunity for All

April 29, 2012

On April 23, Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo spoke at the Canadian Club of Toronto on The Economics of Reconciliation. Founded on rights recognition, healing and…

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Libyan Roots

April 28, 2012

Writing in IPS, Rebecca Murray delves deeper into the indigenous roots of the Libyan state, and the complexities they comprise.

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Corruption of Coal

April 27, 2012

As Adella Begaye notes on Indian Country Today, the EPA, Navajo government, and coal industry power brokers are making plans for the future that doesn’t include the interests of Navajo…

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Chief George Manuel Memorial Indigenous Library

The library is dedicated to the memory of Secwepemc Chief George Manuel (1921-1989), to the nations of the Fourth World and to the elders and generations to come.

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