
Texting Tseshaht

April 9, 2012

In today’s issue of The Dominion, Anna Luisa Daigneault discusses multimedia Indigenous language revitalization in British Columbia, as well as the spiritual healing of elders who survived the residential schools.

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Maya TV

April 9, 2012

What do you do when you need to communicate in 22 Indigenous languages to an Indigenous population that is 60% illiterate and does not speak Spanish? TV Maya.

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Out of Gas

March 30, 2012

Imagine calling 911 and being told the ambulances aren’t running because they’re out of gas. Or finding everything in the refrigerator warm because the electricity is only on for six…

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March 26, 2012

As Kurds from Turkey to Iran celebrate Newroz (Kurdish New Year), Kurds in Turkey support a referendum to decide the future of Kurdistan. As an Indigenous nation extending across Syria…

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Nowhere Else to Go

March 25, 2012

As Beth Walker observes in her post at Minorities in Focus, the proliferation of conflicts over mining on tribal peoples lands isn’t just a reflection of growing network awareness of…

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IC Espanol

March 24, 2012

One week from today, our friends at Intercontinental Cry launch a Spanish language edition. Underway are efforts to follow that with editions in Chinese, Portuguese, German, French and Italian. Ambitious…

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Creating a Sacred Place

March 24, 2012

Warrior Publications notes the revitalization of sacredness on the Yurok Reservation.

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West Papuan Leaders Jailed

March 24, 2012

As West Papua declares independence, Indonesian troops fire on participants at peaceful celebration, and sentence Papuan leaders to three years in prison.

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Back to the Future

March 23, 2012

Adventure, dignity, fulfillment. Art, cosmology, medicine. In which of these are modern societies advanced in comparison to traditional indigenous ones? A thousand years ago, Maori sailors ventured to what would…

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Horrible Crime

March 22, 2012

So what kind of horrible crime could justify the equivalent of marshal law imposed by the Government of Australia on the Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory? According to the…

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Chief George Manuel Memorial Indigenous Library

The library is dedicated to the memory of Secwepemc Chief George Manuel (1921-1989), to the nations of the Fourth World and to the elders and generations to come.

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