In 1966, a Black entertainer named Dick Gregory went to jail for six months in Olympia WA for supporting Northwest Indians in their fight to keep their treaty-reserved fishing rights….
Read moreAs noted in The Walrus, “the principled politician who engaged with Idle No More protesters became the Prime Minister who boasted about building pipelines through our lands.”
Read moreThe WA GOP Senate is currently holding the capital budget hostage over the WA Supreme Court ruling on water rights. This is the focus of CERA recruitment, not fossil fuel…
Read moreAs Dena Jensen reports, William Honea, Skagit County senior deputy prosecuting attorney –in justifying the CERA anti-Indian workshop in Mount Vernon on May 20–falsely attributed an incendiary quote to Swinomish…
Read moreAs the Indian Law and Policy Center reports, termination of Indian tribes as sovereign political entities is endemic in the current presidential administration. Taken as a whole, the agenda of…
Read moreExpect increasing conflict between energy tribes and environmental justice tribes.
Read moreBuilding a border wall through the Tohono O’odham Indian Reservation, without the consent of the tribe, requires an act of Congress. Watch the CBS News video here.
Read more10,000-year-old skeletons in Alaska, British Columbia, Washington and Montana share genetic continuity with Indigenous Peoples living there today.
Read more1916 The Irish Rebellion, narrated by Liam Neeson, tells the story of the 1916 Easter Rising, when actors, poets, teachers and socialist workers took on the British Empire.
Read moreSpring Street International School, Friends of the San Juans, and San Juan Island School District are co-sponsoring a youth canoe-building project with Lummi Nation master canoe-builders. The 21-foot, six-seat canoes…
Read moreThe library is dedicated to the memory of Secwepemc Chief George Manuel (1921-1989), to the nations of the Fourth World and to the elders and generations to come.
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