
Category: Artby - Mirjam Hirch

Taking Responsibility for an Aboriginal Future

December 12, 2008

Guilt-stricken Australians keep Aboriginals on social services. Keep them quaint, out of sight hopefully. This helps Australians to not confront their history of brutal injustice committed against the “first Australians.”…

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WIPCE 2008

December 8, 2008

Celebrating diversity, culture and sharing indigenous wisdom. More than three thousand indigenous delegates from around the world have gathered in Melbourne at the three-yearly World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education…

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The Power of Popular Initiatives

November 23, 2008

Recession of the world economy, financial crisis and more bleak news are on everybody’s mind these days. There is a widespread feeling that important decisions and answers are completely out…

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The Politics of Hunger

October 19, 2008

“Hunger is a political problem. We have enough food. It is not a question of doubling the amount of supermarkets. The question is how much money it takes to buy…

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Holding Electronics Industry Responsible

October 12, 2008

Without mobile phones modern communication seems impossible. The total number of mobile telephone subscriptions reached 3.3 billion in 2007. More than 1.1 billion mobile phones were manufactured worldwide that same…

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Companies Commiting War Crimes

October 11, 2008

Should there be a death penalty for corporations severely violating human rights? Or would house arrest be preferable? These and many other contemporary questions were discussed the passed three days…

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Celebrating Corporations and Culture

August 31, 2008

Bankers are celebrating a big corporate marriage today in Frankfurt. It is worth 9.8 billion euros (14.4 billion dollars). The deal is made between Germany’s second-largest and third-largest banks, Commerzbank…

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Social Justice- A Matter of Life and Death

August 30, 2008

“Social injustice is killing people on a grand scale,” acknowledges a World Health Organization (WHO) report just issued. The study is entitled “Closing the Gap in a Generation: Health Equity…

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Interesting Objects of Investigation

August 24, 2008

What’s the secret of Jamaican’s sprinters success at the current Olympic Games? To reveal this mystery is the scientific community’s aim these days. There are many theories to explain the…

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Choosing Life Over Money

August 17, 2008

It is very simple. Good air, water, food. These are some of the most essential and basic principles of the quality of life. They are harder and harder to find…

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Chief George Manuel Memorial Indigenous Library

The library is dedicated to the memory of Secwepemc Chief George Manuel (1921-1989), to the nations of the Fourth World and to the elders and generations to come.

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