
Category: Artby - Renee Davis

United Nations’ SBSTTA Cautions Synthetic Bacteria, Geoengineering Research and Use

June 4, 2010

In lieu of the latest developments in self-replicating synthetic bacteria cell production at the J. Craig Venter Institute and Silver Lining’s Cloud Whitening Technology development, the Subsidiary Body on Scientific,…

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The Biocultural Dimensions of Forest Regeneration in Madagascar

June 3, 2010

Photo: M. Pykkönen The Stockholm Resilience Center recently covered a study of forest regulation and regeneration in Madagascar. The study, just released in the new book Reforesting Landscapes (Springer, 2010),…

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BP Gulf Oil Spill and Louisiana Tribes

May 18, 2010

Aside from the ecological devastation caused by the BP Gulf Oil Spill in the ocean, tribal lifeways of South Louisiana are also at risk. This leaves members of the Pointe-Au-Chien…

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Bill Gates and the Geoengineering Leap

May 18, 2010

Microsoft founder Bill Gates is now providing funding for “Cloud-Whitening Technology”, according to an article in The Ecologist last week. Silver Lining, a research group based in San Francisco and the recipient of…

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Women, Resilience, and Global Peace Movements

May 1, 2010

The Institute for the Future recently issued their Ten Year Forecast, released at the Ten Year Forecast in Sausalito, CA. Along with materials from the retreat, on the website I happened…

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Canada and its “recognition” of the UNDRIP

March 26, 2010

The 2010 Federal Throne Speech of the Canadian government hinted at a shift in Canada’s position on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). It reads:…

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WorldFocus Interview with CWIS

March 9, 2010

Be sure to check out WorldFocus‘ interview with Renee Davis and Tiffany Waters of CWIS about the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the global indigenous…

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The Human Face of Climate Change: A Message for America

February 24, 2010

Climate refugees are people who are forced to relocated due to climate change. This may be specifically due to droughts, desertification, sea level rise and extreme weather. Some areas have already…

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Complexity and the State of the UNFCCC Climate Talks

February 16, 2010

Since the tumultuous negotiations surrounding the development of the Copenhagen Accord last December, many have started to question the efficacy of the UNFCCC process of coming to a global consensus…

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Why Do Some Countries Adopt International Protocols and Scientific Recommendations Quicker than Others?

February 9, 2010

An article in Resilience Science asks the question “Why do some countries adopt the Kyoto Protocol and IPCC recommendations earlier than others?” The COMPON project (Comparing Climate Change Policy Networks) developed cross-national surveys to…

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Chief George Manuel Memorial Indigenous Library

The library is dedicated to the memory of Secwepemc Chief George Manuel (1921-1989), to the nations of the Fourth World and to the elders and generations to come.

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