
Category: Daily


March 7, 2013

The flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland may look very different in the near future, as Northern Ireland and Scotland proceed toward reunification and independence,…

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Consumption or Creation

February 19, 2013

As noted in this discussion at First Perspective, there is a spiritual side of Idle No More. The rejection of consumption in favor of creation, it can be argued, is…

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Fighting to the Death

February 15, 2013

As China and Canada compete to plunder the copper and gold of the Amazon, South American politicians like Ecuador’s President Correa promote a new era of indigenous genocide alongside ecocide….

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Selling Their Soul

February 10, 2013

Northwest Washington Central Labor Council — the patsies for Peabody Coal’s proposed Gateway Pacific Terminal — recently whined about the fact that they wished it wasn’t a notoriously anti-union company…

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Unity in Community

February 8, 2013

As Harsha Walia writes in, the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) and Wet’suwet’en nations of Ontario and British Columbia have their own laws and traditions that conflict with those of Canada….

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Sami People’s Day

February 6, 2013

Today is Sami People’s day in Norway. Celebrating the resilience of Sami peoples, Galdu features the story of Elsa Laula Renberg, Sami activist and organizer of the first Sami convention…

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Perpetuating Institutional Prejudice

February 5, 2013

It is difficult to say whether author Jared Diamond writes from ignorance or malice, but his distorted perception of tribal peoples is certainly getting a lot of attention. As an…

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Talking Stick Festival

February 4, 2013

If art is the essence of life, Vancouver is the place to be this month, as the Talking Stick Festival of aboriginal artists descend on stage February 19-March 3. Live…

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Earth Day Every Day

February 2, 2013

As corporations and politicians engage in economic environmental extortion over North American energy export of Tar Sands crude and Powder River coal, others are weaving a new narrative for survival….

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Native Trail Blazers

February 1, 2013

Native Trail Blazers is a cool online radio program. Be sure to check out their February 1, 2013 show with special guest Dr. Sharon Venne, Cree lawyer and indigenous advocate….

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Chief George Manuel Memorial Indigenous Library

The library is dedicated to the memory of Secwepemc Chief George Manuel (1921-1989), to the nations of the Fourth World and to the elders and generations to come.

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