
Category: Economy

Climate Change Ghost Dance–Duck and Cover

December 7, 2011

Even as delegates of states’ governments, businesses, labor, non-governmental organizations and indigenous peoples meet in Durban, South Africa for the last week of a two week negotiation, many observer have…

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Climate Refugees shock demands new action

September 5, 2011

It is both shocking to the soul and profoundly disturbing to the mind that human beings are in this age made to suffer a horrible death from famine and the…

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Climate Talks Resume, Bolivia, China and Indigenous Peoples

April 5, 2011

The second day of the sixteenth session of the AWG-KP (AWG-KP 16) and the fourteenth session of the AWG-LCA (AWG-LCA 14), taking place from Sunday, 3 April through Friday, 8…

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Chevron, an outlaw corporation?

February 14, 2011

Chevron is one of the largest corporations in the world and one, many people on the ground say, an irresponsible outlaw. Today a court in Ecuador found the Chevron corporation…

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Food Security Overseas and at Home

February 6, 2011

Perhaps 1 billion or more of the world’s population suffer from material poverty and hunger with sixty-five percent of those living in just seven countries (WFP, 2010) [India, China, the…

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Market-Based Climate Schemes: Rejected

December 10, 2010

Indigenous peoples’ representatives in Cancun, México have flatly rejected the market-based approach to global warming called REDD (United Nations Reduction of Emissions for Deforestation and Forest Degradation). Thousands of indigenous…

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Taxing Tribal Resources

November 22, 2010

States’ governments like the US, Canada and Mexico are looking for new revenue sources that can be tapped without much political blow-back from voters. Tribal natural resources and economic activities…

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US Swings “Right”: Indigenous Peoples’ Warning

November 3, 2010

The US government has been generally hostile to indigenous peoples for most of the last 45 years in the international arena.  Their concern? “Indigenous peoples may want to invoke political…

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Global CBD and Climate Agreements…Impossible

October 23, 2010

The United Nations has been the venue for terribly important negotiations concerning biological diversity, climate change, intellectual property, and matters as disturbing as human trafficking. Despite the prodigious efforts of…

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Chief George Manuel Memorial Indigenous Library

The library is dedicated to the memory of Secwepemc Chief George Manuel (1921-1989), to the nations of the Fourth World and to the elders and generations to come.

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