While President Obama and his cabinet evade their constitutional duties in public security and law enforcement, providing instead religious bromides amid mindless political theatre, Susannah Heschel, professor of Jewish Studies…
Read moreResiding on the north side of the Golden Gate, I daily encounter young Mayan mothers pushing strollers through the park where I walk my dog; Mayan children perhaps outnumber all…
Read moreThe Goldstone Report, an abridged copy of the UN report on the 2008-2009 attack on Gaza by the State of Israel, is now available in book form. Edited by Adam…
Read moreShattered Hearts: The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of American Indian Women and Girls in Minnesota, is a groundbreaking study on the effects of historical trauma, the normalization of sexual exploitation and…
Read moreAs the Chilean government faces international criticism for the recent police and military attacks on the Rapanui parliament, it also faces a looming deadline set by the Inter-American Commission on…
Read moreAt first glance, the murder of a federal judge and attempted assassination of a member of the US Congress may seem to have nothing to do with indigenous peoples. Even…
Read moreOver the last century, the number of states in the world has doubled, while the number of governments has remained roughly the same. Many of these new states represent administrative…
Read moreIntercontinental Cry reports on the International Federal Council of the World Amazigh Congress held recently in Marrakech. As Berbers and Tuareg seek to maintain their Amazigh identity across North Africa,…
Read moreAs noted in this photo essay on COP 16, indigenous peoples might have been excluded from UN climate change talks in Cancun, but they were not silenced. As The Dominion…
Read moreSudanese human rights activists Ali Agab and Abdel Monim Elgak discuss with Amnesty International the need to strengthen civil society in order to restrain the racist theocracy now ruling with…
Read moreThe library is dedicated to the memory of Secwepemc Chief George Manuel (1921-1989), to the nations of the Fourth World and to the elders and generations to come.
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