
Nicaragua’s Indian War: Clash Between Two Worlds

September 21, 2017

South American Governments have oppressed many of their indigenous people and their homeland. Conflicts are arising for third and fourth worlds in this area such as the Miskitu, Sumo and…

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The Center for Traditional Medicine Course Descriptions

September 21, 2017

Course descriptions of different classes provided by the Center for Traditional Medicine. Includes descriptions for Stress and Pain Reduction Clinic, Healing the Bleeding Heart, Secondary Trauma, Energy Medicine, Traditional Medicine….

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Governance and the Natural Society

September 21, 2017

Article written about the original power and the foundations of government, government and the people, question of loyalty, the law of nations and tribal societies, tribal external relations: struggle and…

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Soviet Union or Soviet Russia: Patterns of Russian Colonialism in the U.S.S.R.

September 21, 2017

Freelance writer of the United States writes about the elimination of inequality in the Soviet Union. Sections of this paper are titles as followed: Soviet federalism, Nationalities Policy–sliyanie, and State…

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Bangladesh’s Genocidal Crimes: An Appeal to Save the Chakma and other Tribe

September 21, 2017

Presentation of evidence regarding genocidal policy of the Bangladesh Government against the indigenous people of Chittagong Hill Tracts region. Government supporting invasion of Chittagong Hill Tracts by Bangli settlers.

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Pacific Island Independence: Can Island Nations Avoid Dependence?

September 21, 2017

Reasons why Pacific Islander cannot avoid dependence: Military dependence, intellectual and cultural dependence, Pacific Island economies, and strategies for greater economic independence.

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Discipline and Sharing: Education in the Indian Way

September 21, 2017

This article deals with education practices for indigenous people. Headings include: learning and natural growth, mistake and outside influencs, breaking up our educational system, and reclaiming our families. Sub-headings are…

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The Igorot of the Cordillera: Defending the Ancestral Domain in the Philippines

September 21, 2017

Violation and abuse of the Igorot of the Cordillera. The military is abusing and torturing the Igorot of the Cordillera and invading on their ancestral land.

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U.S. Policy: Break up the Tribal Mass, Old Policy and New Strategies

September 21, 2017

Article discussing issues such as: patterns of U.S./Indian Policy, the termination era, two faces of self-determination, soical development and INCREMENTSLISM, political denial and economic intimdation.

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Africa’s First Nations: the Alternative to Apartheid

September 21, 2017

Issues addressed in this paper include: the first nations of Africa, five waves of African colonization, states denounce Africa’s Nations, and resuming the balance to repair the Ills.

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Chief George Manuel Memorial Indigenous Library

The library is dedicated to the memory of Secwepemc Chief George Manuel (1921-1989), to the nations of the Fourth World and to the elders and generations to come.

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