
Category: Daily

Happy Face Colonialism

May 7, 2008

Indigenous leaders confront World Bank’s carbon market fraud as corporate profiteering at their expense. Transnational corporations and institutions accused of colluding to steal remaining indigenous resources through market-driven climate change…

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Experience the Holy

May 5, 2008

Scholars discuss Deloria’s legacy for indigenous people to reclaim responsibility in safeguarding sacred energy. Conference participants claim indigenous peoples’ ability to experience the holy in the land illustrates the incompatibility…

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A Paradoxical Matter

May 2, 2008

Institutionally, Israel — like the United States — is a crime against humanity: nation-states founded on genocide, built on theft. Restitution is now the only humane agenda. But the psychology…

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A New Way of Living

April 24, 2008

While indigenous leaders like Bolivia’s president Evo Morales call on the UN member states to disinvest in war in order to invest in reversing environmental catastrophe, American citizens are once…

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Governance Gaps

April 22, 2008

60 years into the UN human rights regime, the Human Rights Council has issued a report on the “governance gaps” in addressing corporate liability for international crimes. In the Report…

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Living Inside the Box

April 21, 2008

It is a rich ghetto. Block-type, closed- shaped buildings form a concrete jungle of cold steel and glass constructions: Living in a Bock’s in newly developed little SoHo, Deutschherrnviertel, in…

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April 19, 2008

Captive Daughters Media has released its new anthology Pornography: Driving the Demand in International Sex Trafficking, including an essay by our colleague and associate scholar Melissa Farley.

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Spirits of the Underworld

April 15, 2008

Vanity Fair‘s Alex Shoumatoff explores the spirits of the underworld in his article The Arctic Oil Rush. Tundra methane that could dwarf fossil fuel emissions as a greenhouse gas, as…

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Refugees’ Rights

April 14, 2008

It is a quiet war. In the face of brutality against peoples in numerous countries around the world European governments are banging their doors. People seeking asylum are made to…

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On Their Shoulders

April 14, 2008

The National Congress of American Indians, Thomas W. Cowger’s history of the organization’s first twenty years (1944-1964), is a thoughtful, articulate and informative account of one of the brightest members…

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Chief George Manuel Memorial Indigenous Library

The library is dedicated to the memory of Secwepemc Chief George Manuel (1921-1989), to the nations of the Fourth World and to the elders and generations to come.

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