
In Memoriam: Dr. Rudolph C. Rÿser, Founding Chair, CWIS

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Animating the Archive

Animating the Archive

August 4, 2008

Derived from ancient Greek αρχειου (

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Democracy on the March

August 3, 2008

In Fourth World: Nations Without A State, Nadesan Satyendra discusses the role of intellectuals in the movement for self-determination.

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Westphalian Rashtra

August 2, 2008

Realities that go beyond the statist framework is the topic of Navnita Chadha Behera’s article Alternative to the Westphalian rashtra. Examining the intellectual tools required to fashion an understanding of…

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Can’t Live Without It

August 1, 2008

In the present era of networks and netwars, think tanks like the Center for World Indigenous Studies function much like tribal protector societies, only on a global scale. Guarding against…

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Diplomatic Efforts Seek to Mend Damaged US-Bolivia Relationship

Diplomatic Efforts Seek to Mend Damaged US-Bolivia Relationship

August 1, 2008

Three weeks after pro-President Evo Morales leaders in the Cochabamba region officially expelled all personnel connected to the U.S. Agency for International Development for the agency’s role in ”conspiring against…

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Traditional Knowledge

July 31, 2008

As with all Native American cultures, traditional knowledge is central to Hopi culture. There is no more rewarding method of learning than the original “interactive method,” speaking and listening. For…

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Live and Learn

July 30, 2008

Sacred knowledge, archived in aboriginal cosmologies, begins with long, careful observation. This keen awareness is honed by trial and error, discussion and reflection, as well as vision and insight. An…

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Outside Official Channels

July 29, 2008

On the tenth anniversary of the International Criminal Court last week, the deputy prosecutor traveled to Nigeria to hear evidence against four Central African states. Cases of genocide, war crimes,…

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May I Suggest ....

May I Suggest ….

July 29, 2008

Gwyneira Isaac’s book, ”Mediating Knowledges: Origins of a Tribal Museum,” chronicles the unique creation process and history of the A:shiwi A:wan Museum and Heritage Center in Zuni, N.M.

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Key Battleground

July 28, 2008

Culture, as a component of social power, refers to the entire panorama of conventional beliefs and practices. One cannot talk intelligently about culture if one does not also introduce the…

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Chief George Manuel Memorial Indigenous Library

The library is dedicated to the memory of Secwepemc Chief George Manuel (1921-1989), to the nations of the Fourth World and to the elders and generations to come.

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