
In Memoriam: Dr. Rudolph C. Rÿser, Founding Chair, CWIS

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Mission of Defamation

January 23, 2013

The integration of the U.S. State Department agenda with that of NGOs like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International didn’t happen by accident. Philanthropic foundations that underwrite NGOs advocating for…

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Language Church and State

January 22, 2013

Life is full of ironies, sometimes amusing, sometimes inspiring. As Phil Mercer reports at the BBC, an indigenous language in Australia, once thought extinct, is being revived thanks in part…

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Tax Justice Seminar

January 21, 2013

Tax Justice Network-Africa’s call for papers for its March 25-6 research seminar to be held in Tunis has a January 31 deadline for abstracts. The seminar on financing development through…

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“We Decide”

January 20, 2013

When indigenous nations ask that their knowledge, their territories, their way of life receive the respect that all humans expect they ask that other societies act as mature human organisms….

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Tuareg Under Siege

January 19, 2013

With uranium and gold mines in Mali at stake, the invasion by France with Canadian and US support signals an extension of the North African offensive initiated by NATO in…

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Eradicating the Doctrine of Domination

January 18, 2013

Global Research News Hour interviews John Schertow, editor and publisher of Intercontinental Cry magazine, about Idle No More and the world indigenous movement. During the first half of the January…

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Easing Tensions in Araucania

January 17, 2013

The Mapuche Indigenous Summit, aimed at easing tensions in Araucania, proposed respect for their territorial integrity as a starting point for the Chilean state in fulfilling the treaties between Chile…

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Generations of Knowledge Indigenous Sciences & Conventional Science Evaluation

January 15, 2013

The five member Center for World Indigenous Studies panel of experts is conducting an evaluation of the Generations of Knowledge traveling exhibit project Stakeholder’s collaboration. This year-long, formative evaluation focuses…

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Reinventing the Colonial Wheel in Canada

January 13, 2013

In a recent op-ed article published in Indian Country Today, the author–a Cree/Metis woman from Alberta Canada–wrote about a landmark study conducted by the Canadian government in 1991 called “People…

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A Dangerous Game

January 11, 2013

Under the tribal government system imposed on indigenous nations by the U.S. Government, governance of the Navajo Nation has long been corrupted by the corrosive influence of the coal industry….

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Chief George Manuel Memorial Indigenous Library

The library is dedicated to the memory of Secwepemc Chief George Manuel (1921-1989), to the nations of the Fourth World and to the elders and generations to come.

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