
The Wrong Lesson

November 29, 2010

One of the myths deposed by the Wikileaks US State Department embassy cable cache is the notion of diplomacy as a benign exercise above the fray of dirty dealing that…

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Muskeg Mayhem

November 28, 2010

Ben Powless reports from the Alberta Tar Sands, where Environment Canada’s blind faith in Canada Natural Resources Limited allowed the oil company to discharge toxic tailings onto the muskeg where…

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Cancun, Climate and the Alternative

November 27, 2010

For years now I have been writing in this column that while the idea of negotiating a global agreement on climate change is essential to the world’s wealth and health…

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Conversations with the Earth

November 26, 2010

Conversations with the Earth is a series of short films produced by the indigenous community media netwrok. This one from communities in Bolivia and Peru is about recovering harmony, a…

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Oolichan, Salmon Decline and Oil

November 26, 2010

The “Coastal First Nations” is the name of a enormously important alliance between the Wuikinuxv Nation, Heiltsuk, Kitasoo/Xaixais, Nuxalk, Gitga’at, Haisla, Metlakatla, Old Masset, Skidegate and Haida nations located on…

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Unique Video Collection

November 24, 2010

The Intercontinental Cry video archive is a unique collection of indigenous-produced video news, analysis, and educational discussions. I make use of it often.

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November 24, 2010

Paternalism toward indigenous peoples isn’t just a right-wing phenomenon. As left-wing publications like Mother Jones demonstrate, the ignorance and arrogance that characterizes the elite of the corporate state is pervasive…

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November 24, 2010

  Insatiable Greed The recent decision by the US Senate to settle the Cobell Indian Trust lawsuit for pennies on the dollar is only the latest in a long series…

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Obstacle to Reconciliation

November 23, 2010

California’s largest Indian tribe, the Yurok, has made a bid to become the legal custodian of a portion of Redwood National Park, portions of Six Rivers National Forest, and the…

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Taxing Tribal Resources

November 22, 2010

States’ governments like the US, Canada and Mexico are looking for new revenue sources that can be tapped without much political blow-back from voters. Tribal natural resources and economic activities…

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Chief George Manuel Memorial Indigenous Library

The library is dedicated to the memory of Secwepemc Chief George Manuel (1921-1989), to the nations of the Fourth World and to the elders and generations to come.

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